N9 Series(旧)
N9 Series(旧)
AncientOS(古老OS) Official(S)
2021-07-21 23:02:48
1.06 GB
2021-08-11 13:45:41
1.07 GB
2021-10-01 11:55:42
1.07 GB
2021-10-21 01:46:23
1.07 GB
2021-12-19 17:38:18
1.07 GB
2022-05-10 02:17:06
732.22 MB
2021-08-11 13:51:14
1.07 GB
2021-10-01 11:56:40
1.15 GB
2021-11-02 23:31:18
1011.42 MB
2021-11-13 14:49:52
1010.88 MB
2021-12-19 17:37:57
1.01 GB
2022-02-12 15:57:40
1.2 GB
2022-03-29 00:53:13
1.16 GB
2022-04-10 22:34:28
1.17 GB
2022-02-12 15:57:44
1.22 GB
@挚爱宅 搬运整理 转自tg #### 5月9日: ##### ℹ️ AncientOS 5.7 (Society) - Iron ##### 👤 Maintainer: @IndraDP ##### ⭐ Android version: 11 ##### 📱 Device: Poco M3 - Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### 📆 Build date: 9/5/2022 ##### 原Download地址: ##### https://www.ancientrom.xyz/Downloadpage.html ##### Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/IndraProject/249?single ##### Source Changelogs : ##### • April Security Patch ##### • Full Changelog(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ancientrom/1394 ##### Device Changelogs: ##### • prop: Improve graphics prop ##### • Enable FUSE Passthrough ##### • Full Changelog(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Device-Changelogs-AncientOS-For-POCO-M3-Redmi-9T9-PowerNote-9-4G-03-28 ##### Notes: ##### • Not Include GApps, recommended to use NikGApps Basic ##### • Recommended decrypt vendor ##### • Clean flash mandatory #### 4月5日: ##### ℹ️ AncientOS 6.2 Shield - OFFICIAL ##### 👤 Maintainer: @IndraDP & @Vern_Kuato ##### ⭐ Android version: 12 ##### 📱 Device: Poco M3 - Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### 📆 Build date: 05/4/2022 ##### 原Download地址: ##### https://www.ancientrom.xyz/ ##### Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/IndraProject/236?single ##### Source Changelogs: ##### https://www.ancientrom.xyz/changelog.html ##### Device Changelogs: ##### • Fix Random reboot ##### • Fix SystemUI not responding ##### • Decrease media volume step ##### • More device changelogs(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Device-Changelogs-AncientOS-For-POCO-M3-Redmi-9T9-PowerNote-9-4G-03-28 ##### Notes: ##### • GApps included ##### • Decrypt vendor & Clean Flash recommended ##### • Lime/Lemon/Pomelo: Use 12.5.x / 21.7.28/21.9.8/21.10.28 Vendor. ##### • Poco M3: Use latest EEA Vendor ##### • Bugs? Tell us with proper logs. Without logs will be ignored #### 3月23日: ##### AncientOS 6.2 Shield - OFFICIAL | Android 12 ##### Device support: POCO M3 / Redmi 9T ##### Build date: 23 Mar 2022 ##### Maintained By: @IndraDP & @Vern_Kuato ##### 原Download地址: ##### https://www.ancientrom.xyz/ ##### Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/IndraProject/225?single ##### Source Changelogs: ##### - https://www.ancientrom.xyz/changelog.html ##### - And February security patch ##### Device Changelogs: ##### - Using QTI Bluetooth ##### - Import sunfish cpusets configuration ##### - Import sunfish phase offset configuration ##### - Disable GPU protected composition ##### - Fix Bluetooth audio, thanks @frostg012 for helping fix it ##### - Fix Face Unlock ##### - Fix Ok Google ##### - Fix Google TTS stopped working in Setup Wizard ##### - Misc improvements ##### Notes: ##### - GApps included ##### - Decrypt vendor and Clean Flash recommended ##### - Redmi 9T/Power/Note 9 4G: Use 12.5.x / 21.7.28/21.9.8/21.10.28 Vendor. ##### - Poco M3: Use latest EEA Vendor ##### - Bugs? Tell us with proper logs. Without logs will be ignored #### 2月10日(AndroidS版本): ##### #AncinetOS #Ofiicial #Juice #S #ROM ##### AncientOS v6.2 - Shield | OFFICIAL | Android 12 ##### Supported Device: Juice ##### Updated: 09/02/22 ##### By : @IndraDP & @Vern_Kuato ##### 原Download link: ##### https://www.ancientrom.xyz/ ##### Screenshots(魔法): ##### Steel: ##### https://t.me/IndraProject/183?single ##### Weeabo: ##### https://t.me/IndraProject/183?single ##### Source Changelogs: ##### https://www.ancientrom.xyz/#/Changelog ##### - And February security patch ##### Device Changelogs: ##### - Available Steel and Weeabo Version ##### - Add prebuilt GrapheneOS Camera ##### - Update init based on region and codename ##### - Shipped with GreenForce kernel, Compiled with Proton Clang ##### - And other improvements ##### Notes: ##### - GApps included ##### - Decrypt vendor and Clean Flash recommended ##### - Redmi 9T/Power/Note 9 4G: Use 12.5.x / 21.7.28/21.9.8/21.10.28 Vendor. ##### - Poco M3: Use latest EEA Vendor ##### - Bugs? Tell us with proper logs. Without logs will be ignored #### 12月18日(AndroidS版本): ##### ℹ️ AncientOS 6.1 Shield | BETA ##### 📱 Device: Poco M3 - Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### 👤 Pengembang: @IndraDP & @Vern_Kuato ##### 🏷️ Status: OFFICIAL ##### 🌟 Android version: 12 ##### 📆 Build date: 2021-12-18 ##### 原Download地址: ##### https://www.ancientrom.tech/ ##### Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/IndraProject/170?single ##### ⚫ Source Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ancientrom/1393 ##### ⚫ Device Changelogs: ##### • Optimize native executables for Cortex-A73 CPU ##### • Set UI rendering Skiagl with skiaglthreaded ##### • And other improvements ##### Notes: ##### • Clean Flash recommended ##### • Lime,Lemon&Pomelo : Use 12.5.x / 21.7.28/21.9.8/21.10.28 Vendor ##### • Citrus: Use latest EEA Vendor ##### • Bugs? Tell us with proper logs. Without logs will be ignored ##### 12月16日(AndroidR): ##### ℹ️ AncientOS 5.7 (Society) - Iron ##### 📱 Device: Poco M3 - Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### 👤 Pengembang: @IndraDP & @Vern_Kuato ##### 🏷️ Status: OFFICIAL ##### 🌟 Android version: 11 ##### 📆 Build date: 2021-12-16 ##### 原Download地址: ##### https://www.pling.com/p/1606752 ##### Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/IndraProject/159?single ##### ⚫ Source Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ancientrom/1394 ##### ⚫ Device Changelogs: ##### https://github.com/ancient-devices/device_xiaomi_juice/commits/eleven ##### Notes: ##### • Clean Flash recommended ##### • Lime,Lemon&Pomelo : Use 12.5.x Vendor ##### • Citrus : Use EEA Vendor Spesial ##### • Bugs? Tell us with proper logs. Without logs will be ignored #### 11月12日(AndroidS): ##### #AncientOS #Juice #Official #S #Unified #Rom ##### AncientOS 6.0 - Society [ALPHA] | Android 12 - OFFICIAL ##### Maintainer : @IndraDP & @Vern_Kuato ##### 📆 Build date : 2021-11-12 ##### ⚫ 原Download地址: ##### https://www.pling.com/p/1606752 ##### ⚫ Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/IndraProject/144?single Device Changelogs : ##### • Override to Raven fingerprint ##### • Overlay: Remove unusable color mode list options ##### • prop: Disable force GPU rendering ##### • Shipped with Fury Bengal kernel ##### Source Changelogs : ##### • Alpha build ##### • November security patch ##### Notes : ##### • This is ALPHA BUILD. Don't expect stability for daily usages. We accept bug with logs. Without it, be ignored. ##### • Report bug with log on support group (no log , no bug) #### 11月2日(第一个AndroidS Build): ##### AncientOS 6.0 Society ALPHA - OFFICIAL ##### Maintainer: @IndraDP & @Vern_Kuato ##### Device: Poco M3/Redmi 9T (juice) ##### Android version: Android 12 ##### Build date: 02/11/2021 ##### 原Download地址(魔法) link: ##### https://www.pling.com/p/1606752 ##### Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/IndraProject/105?single ##### Source Changelogs : ##### - ALPHA build ##### Device Changelogs : ##### - Initial build Android 12. ##### - Add Prebuilt GCam GO. ##### - Fix screen flicker. ##### - Shipped with Fury Bengal kernel. ##### Note: ##### - This is ALPHA BUILD. Don't expect stability for daily usages. ##### We accept bug with logs. Without it, be ignored. ##### - Report bug on @ancientosjuice #### 10月19日: ##### #AncientOS #Official #ROM #Juice ##### AncientOS 5.6 - OFFICIAL | Android 11 ##### Device support: Juice(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Unified-Device-Tree--Device-list-and-Code-Names-09-16 ##### Build date: 19 Oct 2021 ##### Maintained By: @Vern_Kuato & @IndraDP ##### ▪️原Download地址(Iron variant): ##### https://www.pling.com/p/1606752 ##### ▪️Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/IndraProject/96?single ##### Source Changelogs : ##### - October Security Patch ##### - More(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ancientrom/1158 ##### Device Changelogs : ##### - Update October Redfin fingerprint. ##### - Add Battery Health. ##### - Add Doze config. ##### - Enable smart charging, ##### - Enable performance profiles for gaming mode. ##### - Ancient: import Turkish translation. ##### - Change device image in About Phone. ##### - Use H264 encoder for screen recorder. ##### - Fix DT2W. Force enable by default. ##### - Fix Audio burst for some issue. ##### - Shipped with Fury Bengal kernel. ##### - Compiled with GengKapak Clang. ##### Note: ##### • Clean Flash recommended #### 10月1日: ##### #AncientOS #Official #ROM #Juice ##### AncientOS 5.6 Society - OFFICIAL | Android 11 ##### Device support: Juice(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Unified-Device-Tree--Device-list-and-Code-Names-09-16 ##### Build date: 01 Oct 2021 ##### Maintained By: @Vern_Kuato & @IndraDP ##### ▪️原Download地址(GApps / Weabo): ##### https://www.pling.com/p/1606752 ##### ▪️Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ancientrom/1162?single ##### Source Changelog: ##### - Fixed lag when pulling QS shade/scrolling notifications. ##### - More(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ancientrom/1158 ##### Device Changlongs: ##### - Force enable MSAA. ##### - Disable force use GPU Rendering. ##### - Updated to September Redfin Fingerprint. ##### - Remove virtual framebuffer. ##### - Enable AOSP surfaceflinger. ##### - Tune auto-brightness debounce period. ##### - Retune vibration strength for haptic feedback. ##### - Shipped with Stormbreaker 4.19.152 kernel. ##### - Compiled with GengKapak Clang. ##### Notes: ##### • CLEAN FLASH recommended ##### • Flash No OSS Vendor if come from MIUI A10 #### 8月8日: ##### #ANCIENTOS #ROM #OFFICIAL #UNIFIED #JUICE ##### AncientOS v5.5 - Official | Android 11 (R) ##### Build Date : 08/08/'21 ##### Supported Devices : JUICE / UNIFIED(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Juice-Unified-Device-Tree-04-16 ##### Maintainer : @ankitkene and @Vern_Kuato ##### ▪️ 原Download地址: ##### https://www.pling.com/p/1424176 ##### Changelog: ##### • Source(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ancientrom/968 ##### • August SECURITY PATCH MERGED ##### Device Changelogs : ##### Improved system stability ##### Notes: ##### • There are 2 version (Iron and Weeaboo)(此处均已经搬运) ##### Screenshot: Weeaboo (https://t.me/ancientrom/981?single)| Iron same as a 5.4 (previous) version #### 7月21日: ##### AncientOS v5.4 | Android 11 | STABLE for JUICE ##### Maintained by @ankitkene & @Vern_Kuato ##### Build Variant : Gapps ##### Build Version : V5.4 | Society | Stable ##### Build Date : 21-07-2021 ##### Source Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://t.me/ancientrom/811 ##### JULY SECURITY PATCH MERGED ##### Device Changelogs : ##### Initial Build ##### 原Download地址: ##### https://www.pling.com/p/1424176 ##### Device Support : ##### @ancientosjuice
2024-12-04 16:18:32 Wednesday Runningtime:0.908s Mem:523.55 KB